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God of War III PS3 Game Googe Drive


God of war 3 game is an action-adventure hack and slash game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. God of war 3 PS3 PKG and ISO can be download and installed on any HEN, CFW, HFW exploited system along with updates and DLC via USB or LAN (FTP).

[God of war III]
GOW III was released on March 16, 2010, for PlayStation 3.  God Of War III is the fifth game of the series of God of war series. In this game, the main special character created by Sony Kratos (Spartan) battles with gods, and Titans in a search for Pandora box. Pandora’s box is the power of killing his father Zeus and end the reign of the Olympian Gods.
DeveloperSanta Monica Studio
PublisherSony Computer Entertainment
SeriesGod of War
Game NameGod of War 3
PlatformPlayStation 3
Game formatBCUS98111
Release DateMay 16, 2010
GenreAction-Adventure Hack and slash
ModeSingle Player only
Supported FirmwareUp to 4.88

God of war 3 was critically acclaimed upon release, with game reviews, public reviews from IGN stating. It has been awarded for game graphics, story, and especially for special character Kratos (Spartan). This game got many awards for its impressive-looking character in this game. God Of War III celebration franchise tenth anniversary a remastered version of God of War III on PlayStation 4.


Do I need a jailbroken PS3 console to run this game?

Yes, you need a jailbroken PS3 console to enjoy this game on your CFW/HFW/HEN console without any cost. PS3 is completely jailbroken. So don’t worry about the firmware version (PS3 Jailbreak 4.88 is live).

What is the difference between CFW and HFW?

In short: both are firmware – HFW = Hybrid Firmware (Can be installed on any PS3 model). CFW = Custome firmware (Can be installed up to CECH-2508B Model)s the difference between CFW and HFW?

Can I jailbreak my superslim PS3?

Any model of PS3 can be jailbroken in today’s time. You just have to keep one thing in mind, MultiMan support HFW/CFW/HEN.

Do I need this game update or DLC to run this game?

No, you can simply install and enjoy your game with the base version. If you want to add downloadable content (DLC) or update your content. Simply follow the DLC, Updates installation instructions.

How can I install this game on my PS3?

The Exploited PS3 system accepts a lot of different formats such as disk format (GAME_Folder), PKG, etc. So you can find the complete PS3 game installation guide here.

Can I play the God Of War 3 game on my PC?

Yes, you just need a PS3 emulator named RPCS3 and configure guide to play the God Of War 3 game on PC/Laptop.

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