Guide Fix Error “Limit Download Google Drive”
Update 1/10/2020
The good news is there is a new way, I tested it works but google
compression time is quite slow with large files! You can watch the video
tutorial : Youtube
I will still try to figure out how to fix this, hoping that everything will be fine again !
Update 12/09/2020
Sadly, Maybe Google fixed it :”(
Now I will switch to the new host (Lest). Since there are so many games, need 2 week to finish it.
Note old Link Google is not dead, it is
limited to downloads per day, you can still download at the time of day
when google drive refreshes my account.
There are 2 cases (when there are too many downloads so it is limited)
1. With Link ony 1 file, Example image:

Guide Download
Note: Free Google Drive account is limited to 15GB of storage. You cannot make a copy of any single file over 15GB
Step 1: Log in to your Google account => F5 Link
Step 2: Example link:
*You can copy the code red (after the character “=”)
*Copy code => behind link:
Finally we are:
Step 3: Copy the link above into your browser (follow the steps in the image below)
Click buton 3 dots => Click “Add star”

Step 4: Go to your Google Drive :
Step 5: (Starting in May 2020, you must follow the new instructions below)
Click “Starred” => Right click to File Add => Click to “Make a copy”

Step 6: 1.Right click to File Copy => 2.Click to”Download”
2. With link folder multi file, Example image:

Guide Download
Note: Free Google Drive account is limited to 15GB of storage. You cannot make a copy of any single file over 15GB
Step 1: Log in to your Google account => F5 Link
Step 2: “Ctrl + A” all File , After Right click => “Make a copy”

Step 3: Click “My Dirve” You will see all the files “Copy”

Step 4: Now you download , Right click to File “Copy” after click “Download”

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