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Haunting Ground PS2 ISO Ntsc-Pal PCSX2 ISO FREE DOWNLOAD


Haunting Ground PS2 ISO Ntsc-Pal


 Frequenting Ground, referred to in Japan as Demento,[a] is an endurance ghastliness computer game created and distributed by Capcom for the PlayStation 2 of every 2005. The story follows Fiona Belli, a young lady who awakens in the prison of a palace in the wake of being engaged with an auto crash. She rapidly gets to know a White Shepherd, Hewie, and starts to investigate the palace with his guide to look for a ways to get out and unwind its secrets and its occupants. The game offers numerous likenesses with Capcom's previous endurance frightfulness title Clock Tower 3 (2002), and has been portrayed as a profound replacement to the Clock Tower arrangement.

The player controls Fiona as she investigates the climate, sidesteps and stows away from adversary followers, and infrequently battles against the palace's occupants. Here and there Fiona will freeze when in harm's way, in which case she starts to run all alone and the player loses some control. Hewie is a focal part to the interactivity, and goes with Fiona all through the game. He can be provided requests to investigate the climate, assault adversaries, and in any case help in Fiona's endurance. Capcom added the canine specialist during improvement thinking retailers and players the same would not appreciate an endurance ghastliness title with a solitary female hero.

Frequenting Ground was delivered April 2005 and got commonly blended surveys. The illustrations and show were adulated, however pundits found the ongoing interaction to some degree dull, unsurprising, and subsidiary of past repulsiveness titles. The game's voyeuristic nature and the sexual typification of Fiona were featured by pundits as a portion of the game's best components. They felt that by uncovering Fiona as a weak object of want, the game causes her and in this manner the player to feel more delicate and imperiled, assembling a seriously upsetting climate.


                                                               Formate: ISO
                                                          Región: NTSC-PAL
                                                    Idioma: (Español, En,Fr,De,It)
                                                      Plataform: PlayStation 2
                                                                size: 3.73 GB

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